Explotar un Apartamento Turístico en Tenerife: La Clave está en la Gestión de Alquiler Vacacional y la Agencia Especializada

Tenerife, con su clima paradisíaco, paisajes impresionantes y una creciente industria turística, es un destino de ensueño para aquellos que desean invertir en un apartamento turístico. ¿Por qué Tenerife es el lugar ideal para explotar un apartamento turístico? La respuesta está en la gestión del alquiler vacacional y la colaboración con una agencia de alquiler … Leer más

How to delete my airbnb review

To delete an Airbnb review that you have posted, you can follow these steps: Note that once a review is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Also, if the review was already posted, it may have already been visible to the host and other guests.

How to get around airbnb 90-day rule

As an AI language model, I cannot condone or provide advice on breaking any rules or regulations, including the Airbnb 90-day rule. It is important to respect the policies and regulations set by Airbnb and any local laws regarding short-term rentals. That being said, if you are looking to extend your stay beyond the 90-day … Leer más

How to sync Airbnb and Booking.com calendars 

To sync your Airbnb and Booking.com calendars, you can follow these steps: After completing these steps, your Airbnb and Booking.com calendars should be synced. Any bookings made on one platform will automatically block the corresponding dates on the other platform, helping you avoid double bookings. However, keep in mind that iCal syncing can take up … Leer más

What does superhost mean on airbnb

Superhost is a designation given by Airbnb to hosts who have a track record of providing exceptional hospitality to their guests. To become a Superhost, hosts must meet certain criteria over a period of at least one year. These criteria include: Once a host meets these criteria, they are awarded the Superhost designation, which appears … Leer más

Can airbnb host change price after booking

Airbnb hosts are generally not allowed to change the price after a booking has been confirmed, as this would violate Airbnb’s policies and could lead to a negative experience for the guest. Once a booking has been confirmed, the price is locked in and cannot be changed by the host. However, there are some situations … Leer más

How do i contact airbnb by phone

Airbnb’s customer support team can be contacted by phone, but the availability of phone support may vary depending on your location and the nature of your inquiry. Here’s how you can contact Airbnb by phone: It’s important to note that phone support may not be available 24/7 and wait times may vary depending on the … Leer más